Vice Chair of the Whitpain Board of Supervisors
Permanently preserved Mermaid, 63.5 acres
Maintained AAA Moody’s bond rating
Spearheaded a Responsible Contractors Ordinance
Protected Women's Reproductive Health
Formed Human Relations Commission
Developed award winning PAFR for our township audit
Kimberly Koch has devoted her life to the service of her community. She is the current Vice Chair (Chair in 2022) of the Whitpain Township Board of Supervisors. During her time on the board, Kim has worked on one of the most progressive agendas in the County. In 2022, she spearheaded a Reproductive Health Ordinance, the first of it’s kind in Montgomery County. Under her leadership, Whitpain Township also implemented a Responsible Contractors Ordinance. Kim has worked to purchase and preserve open space, championing an EIT increase specifically for this purpose, and that referendum passed with 63% of the public vote. During her time as supervisor, she worked to purchase Mermaid Lake and Park, protecting 63.5 acres of land from over-development. She was at the forefront of starting Whitpain’s Human Relations Commission, and Whitpain now raises the Pride Flag proudly each June. Kim was instrumental in the township’s new practice of recording and broadcasting its township meetings. And finally, during her tenure as a supervisor the township has been able to maintain its AAA bond rating.
In her previous township role of Chair of the Board of Auditors (2018-2020), Kim was instrumental in seeing to it that the township began writing a Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR), which more succinctly provides information of the township’s annual audit to the public. This PAFR has been recognized and awarded by the state for its outstanding performance.
In 2021 Kim was also appointed to the Board of Trustees of Montgomery County Community College by the Montgomery County Commissioners.
Kim is in her 21st year as a public-school teacher. As a leader in her field, Kim has served as a school technology liaison, an educational team leader, and a member of the building leadership council. She is also a charter member of the district’s Diversity Committee.
A lifelong Whitpain resident, Kimberly is a graduate of Wissahickon High School, and she holds a bachelor’s degree from Bucknell University. She also holds a Masters in English Literature with a focus on African American Literature from Villanova University. Kim and her husband, Brad, have two children, Caleb (15) and Rachel (12), who attend the Wissahickon School District.